Saturday, April 5, 2014

[ 紐西蘭18天北島南島自遊行 ] Auckland 逗留1天

8 Dec 2013  Brisbane 12:25 > Auckland 18:40, 坐三小時十五分鐘。
乘搭China Airlines , AUD 167.67 (per person, include tax, one way)

China Airline 坐得幾好,對於我這個背包客黎講,成年搭內陸機都無娛樂設施,今次有真係死都唔訓覺:)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

[ 紐西蘭18天北島南島自遊行 ]

紐西蘭 巴士自助遊 概覽

( 8 DEC-26 DEC 2013)
1. Auckland
2. Rotorua
3. Wellington
4. Picton
5. Nelson
6. Fox Glacier
7. Queenstown
8. Mt.Cook
9. Lake Tekapo
10. Christchurch

North island
1. Bay of Plenty (Cape Reinga + 90 Miles Beach, Hole in the rock)
2. Waitomo (Glowworm Caves, Black Water Rafting)
3. Lake Taupo

South Island
1. Greymouth
2. Franz Joseph
3. Dunedin


Naked Bus(我選擇了這個巴士公司,優惠時買,NZD 169 for 10 trips)
Bus pass 以每程計算,即是買 10 trips bus pass 可以買10程車票,但不可以重覆
巴士網站在不同的地點也有activities  accommodation 可以選擇 價錢也是便宜
總括來說是不錯的選擇,不過坐廉價的巴士就得compromise services standard

Bus pass 以行車時數計算,可以依自己計劃的行程而計算需要的時數,十分有彈性
而且也可以用來買來回南北兩島Interislander Ferry的船票,想要乘船來回南北島的可以留意,值得推薦

Kiwi Experience

概念是hop-on, hop-off bus tour,即是bus pass holder可以在任何bus stop上車下車.
Bus Pass價錢包括車票價錢,有些包括特定TOURS,但不包括accommodation
特別注意同類型的magic bus 20136月開始由kiwi experience 接手營辨

Atomic Shuttles

Cook Connection
來回Lake Tekapo – Mount Cook – Twizel 的公司,想到mount cook的可以考慮

Tranz Alpine
                                                                                                                 來回Christchurch Greymouth Scenic Railway 阿爾卑斯山號

Thursday, May 24, 2012

D.I. souvenirs - Rapid DIY Souvenir Fabricator Vending Booth

Project background
In a fast-paced society like that of Hong Kong’s, where stress is a common condition, for many a holiday means travelling abroad. “Travels are full of pleasant surprises. Today, travelling to other countries is more important than it has ever been” asserts Lonely Planet co-founder Tony Wheeler. Tourists come back home relaxed, with their energy levels recharged, and their heads full of happy memories they wish to share with family and friends. Returning from their travels, they want to remember their sightseeing, dining, playing, or shopping experiences, and bring back home tokens from foreign lands - aka souvenirs - to keep as mementos, or offer to loved ones as gifts.

Design Concept
Souvenirs range from the tacky to the beautifully crafted, and are often manufactured and branded as “authentically” extolling a country’s cultural identity, or as safely packaged foods or scents to be experienced back home. Most of the time tourists are not involved in the manufacturing of these objects. The “D.I. Souvenirs” rapid D.I.Y. souvenir fabricator vending booth allows travelers to fabricate their own travel tokens. Be the personalized “it” thing a stamp chop tourist/users design using the in-built touch screen and cameras, or an Augmented Reality printed postcard of a selection of local sights users select, to include within a 3D photo of themselves, using a similar touch-screen and camera interface. Users, friends and relatives may then display the printed postcard in front of any computer camera at home, to produce an on-screen 3D pop-up representation of the postcard. Do it, make your souvenirs.

Other links related to Poly U Design Annual Show 2012:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Furniture Design - A Minute Chair

A Minute chair is a plywood chair, which contains only 7 pieces and they can be fit together without using screws, gule, or nails.

The chair utilizes wedge methods that secure one another.

All pieces can be deconstructed and store easily.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Installation Design - Stroll The Past

The landmark will be established in 2013.
Location: Aberdeen Chinese Permanent Cemetery Entrance
地點: 香港仔華人永遠墳場入口斜路